Monday, August 16, 2010


We have been in the country over 2 weeks now, and so much has happened. We took our honey moon to Utila a small island just off the coast of Honduras. It was fabulous and a lot of fun. We came back up the mountain and in two days the Williams family left for the states to bring their son to college and itinerarate. So we have been here at the Hospital for over a week running the basic operations and working on getting settled in. Things are much slower here and I like it! At the same time I feel the need to rush things. God has on more than one occasion slowed me down and reminded me that I am not here to serve my own whims and ambitions, but God's and the vision of my leaders. I am reminded that God's plans are always the best. God has me where I am He has put my leaders over me to guide me where He would have me. So again I am brought back to trusting in God. So many times I think If I can just get "over there" that is where God wants me I'll be satisfied, but I am learning (quite slowly in fact) that the only destination is Heaven. Everything else is developing us and helping others to get there also. At least thats where I'm at right now God will probably soon show me how wrong my perceptions are.

How about you? Has God ever changed your perceptions completely?